History Field Group

Students walk past the exterior of Benson Auditorium.

At Pitzer College, Field Groups (similar to a discipline or department) organize major requirements and courses.

At Pitzer, history invites you to understand the contours of their world—its political boundaries, its economic systems, its social structures and its cultural practices—as historical products.  

It pushes you to question assumptions and to approach the present through the prism of a rich and variegated past. It uses investigation and interpretation, both to explore the unfamiliar and to reconsider what we think we already know. 

Thus, courses in history encourage students to analyze documents critically, to evaluate historical arguments thoughtfully and to examine theories of history and culture. Far from being a simple chronicle of facts, history demands that students consider how the past is used and remembered.


History Program

Visit the History Program page to learn more about major requirements and learning objectives. 

History Program

History Field Group Advisers

Carina Johnson
  • Peter and Gloria Gold Professor of History
  • History Field Group
portrait of Andre Wakefield
Andre Wakefield
  • Professor of History
  • History Field Group
Urmi Willoughby
  • Associate Professor of History
  • History Field Group

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